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I Had to Get Surgery

For the past few months, I have not been myself. I have had tremendous pain in my lower back. At first I thought maybe I pulled a muscle. Then, I thought maybe it would be my weight. But after dealing with it for too long, I went to a spinal specialist and found out that I had a very large herniated disk pinching my sciatic nerve, thus making the pain from my lower back run down right leg to my ankle. As a result, I was required to have a surgery that will remove it. The actual term is referred to as a “lumbar dissectomy.”

I have been in post-op recovery for about a week now, and I will have a full set recovery five weeks from now. I was fortunate to be able to go home the same day. The good news though is that my mom got to come up to visit me for a few days from South Florida.

The first 48 hours back were a breeze. I was out walking around and on my feet, as instructed to do so by the doctor, but the past few days have been the shit end of the stick. The site of the incision, right on my lower back has been pretty sore and has caused me limited mobility (nothing new). However, the difficult part has been the constant turning in bed and “trying to find the right position”. For someone who tosses and turns in their sleep, I’ve been struggling in this department for the past few days (even now as I type this up at 3:47AM).

For some weird reason, my right ankle has been killing me since the surgery. After consulting with my dad, who just so happens to be a doctor, this is due to the relieved pressure from the nerve, thus causing inflammation. This, and the incision sight, have been the most pain-inducing parts of being in post-op recovery.

Fortunately, I’ve been taken care of by many good people. From the good folks at NYU Langone Orthopedics, to loving relatives, girlfriend, and her family, I’ve been given round the clock support and been in the comfort of my own home. Whether it be my mom preparing meals and grocery shopping, to Lauren changing my incision bandage, the small things have added up to what their can be no words except one; gratitude.

As it has now officially been one week from having the surgery, it looks to so far be a quick and speedy recovery (especially considering it’s been more than 24 hours since I’ve needed to take any painkillers!) I’ll be returning to the Manhattan Editing Workshop tomorrow to finish out my six week course, in which case I will then be pursuing my next professional endeavor! Until then, that’s all I have for now.

Peace out cub scouts!